

古人认为天人合一,人体是和宇宙相应的,而经络就是人体与宇宙之间的信息通道,经络的存在使我们人体能感应宇宙天地之间的变化、季节的交替,进而调整人体体内的小宇宙,让身体在各个环境及气候都能阴平阳秘,平衡人体各个系统维持健康状 态。现代医学发现,经络是人体特有的能量信息通道,它是人体身上的光纤系统,通过经络讯息沟通把人体各个不同的机能整合统一。针灸主要就是作用于人体各经 络和穴位,针灸师藉由对天地宇宙人体之间的体悟和掌握针灸的医学理论和技术,藉由针刺穴位来调整人体经络系统平衡。

此外,针灸藉由调整整体的信息和能量激发人体的潜能,对健康的影响面是很广泛的,可 以治病也能保健养生,亦能用于康复治疗。除了能诊治内、外、伤科等疾病之外,对不知病因的疑难杂症、顽疾及情绪上的调理都有很好的疗效。它可以单独使用也 能配合其他方法一起发挥作用。所以如果能克服对针灸的恐惧,它无疑是无副作用的最佳治疗、保健、养生方法。

Frequently asked questions

  • Question: “What type of problems can be treated with acupuncture?”

Answer: All types of problems have been treated with acupuncture in China for thousands of years, but we normally use acupuncture for now type problems so we can put the needles on you now and ask you “How is your problem NOW?” We usually use herbs to treat more chronic and internal type problems, but only your acupuncture physician can decide the best course of treatment for you.

  • Question: “How does acupuncture work?”

Answer: Acupuncture works by redirecting your body’s own natural energy. Once the energy is flowing properly again the pain will be gone and the natural healing process can begin. We use only single use, sterile, stainless steel needles, there are no chemicals on the needles and we do not use them to cut or block the nerve fibers.

  • Question: “How many acupuncture treatments will I need?”

Answer: Everybody is different, so the total number of acupuncture treatments can not be determined in advance. Only thing we can say for sure is, if you do not see some improvement after the 3rd treatment, it does not mean that acupuncture does not work, only, that for whatever reason, we are currently unable to treat your particular problem so go try a different acupuncture physician. It does not mean that acupuncture is not good for your problem. After the third week, your physician may decide to give your acupuncture points a short break to allow them to rest. If so, be sure to return at the time your physician instructs.

  • Question: “How do I get the best result from my acupuncture treatments?”

Answer: Return for acupuncture treatment every other day until your problem is completely gone. If you only get 1 or 2 treatments per week, it may take your whole life – you are just wasting your time and money. The best result for acupuncture is when you come in as soon as possible after an injury, in this case it may only take one or two treatments. Tell your physician all of your health complaints the very first visit. Avoid foods containing spicy or pungent flavors, any type of sesame product (meal or oil), and alcohol for 48hrs after each treatment.

  • Question: “Why do I need to avoid certain foods after my treatment?”

Answer: Because the warm feeling you can get from spicy foods or alcohol is good energy dispersing throughout your body. When we perform acupuncture, we are directing that same energy to go to a specific place and help your body heal itself. Therefore spicy and pungent foods erase our instructions to your body. Sesame products cause the same effects for some reason. There have been a few cases where fig products have caused a reversal of treatment as well, probably because the seeds are similar to sesame seeds.