
臍 針療法是以傳統中醫理論為基礎,輔以易經八卦理論,經過長期的臨床實踐經驗精粹演化而來, 其主要目的是為了提高針刺的療效,減少病人的病痛。 其施術部位多在臍部,通過在臍部扎針來治療疾病,在臨床中通過臍針療法治療各種痛症已經取得很好的療效,像偏頭痛、勁椎痛、腰痛、冰凍肩、肘部發炎、關節 炎、坐骨神經痛、三叉神經痛等痛症都可以通過臍針療法來治療。臍針療法已經被證實對於治療某些嚴重病症也有好處,如心臟病,高血壓,巴金森,截癱,中風後 遺症,失 眠,紅斑狼瘡,閉經,憂鬱症,前列腺問題,過敏性鼻炎,哮喘,耳鳴,減肥,牛皮癬等均有明顯的療,此外在調理身體體質,各種痛症, 美容保養 減肥效果更是顯著。

Arthritis as viewed by Chinese Medicine

Western medicine defines arthritis as inflammation in one or more joints. Typically this happens in areas where two bones meet. While arthritis mostly occurs in our hands and feet, because of its broad definition arthritis can apply to anywhere in the body.
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), when there is healthy qi(energy) and blood flow, there can be no pain. Whenever there is a blockage of either qi or blood, then pain will occur. Arthritis arises from this same theory. When wind, cold, and dampness penetrate the body’s defenses and enter the muscles, tendons, and joints, this can cause stiffness and pain.