How Traditional Chinese Medicine Uses the Power of Nature to Detoxify Your Body and Aid Weight Loss There’s a lot of talk today about detoxification. And there are many different approaches to it. People are looking for an effective way to release any number of substances that have built up within. They want to re-balance…
中醫治療抑鬱症的優點是:1.成功率高。 2.療效快又佳。3.復發率低。4.無副作用。5.恢復正常的學習及工作能力,遠離自殺。皇家中醫以傳統醫學理論為指導,採用心理、中药佐以针灸来治療焦慮症沒有西藥上癮的問題,也沒有西藥的副作用
No matter what your age or activity level, you will likely experience some type of pain during your lifetime. Whether you suffer from sciatica, knee pain, or menstrual pain — or pain from an injury like a sprain, bruise, or burn — there is a traditional Chinese medicine designed to ease your discomfort. If you’re tired of visiting your local GP and never get any results, come to see us and our practitioners would be more than happy to help you relief your pain.